Monday, December 23, 2013

Banana Blueberry Superfood Smoothie

I was craving a smoothie, so I created this delicious recipe with some things I had in my pantry. I wanted to use a lot of superfoods in order to ensure it was packed with vitamins and nutrients!   

1 banana (reserve two slices for garnish)
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup/8 oz. of water
2 tablespoons hemp protein powder
1/2 ounce of cocoa nibs
32 grams/"2 tablespoons" of original Nuttzo nutbutter
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1 tablespoon Navitas Naturals Omega blend
1-2 cups of ice, depending on consistency preferred

1 teaspoon hemp seeds
1 teaspoon chia seeds
4 fresh blueberries
2 slices of banana

Throw all the goodness in a blender and blend away. Sprinkle garnishes on top.

Chocolate Egg-White Oats

Chocolate for breakfast? Hell yes! After an intense workout, it is vital to have a protein packed clean breakfast! I eat oats every day, and these chocolate oats are simple and delicious! 


1/2 cup (1 serving) of old fashioned oats

1 cup water

1 TBS chia seeds

1 TBS unsweetened cocoa powder

3 TBS liquid egg whites or 1 egg white

1/4 cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt

1 banana, sliced

4 strawberries, sliced

6-8 raspberries

1 TBS goji berries


1. Follow instructions for the oats and choose method: stovetop or microwave. I make 1 serving on the stovetop. Bring water to a boil and once boiling, add oats, egg whites, cocoa powder, and chia seeds. 

2. Reduce to med-low heat and cook for 5 minutes or according to instructions/desired consistency. (For microwave you can throw it all in a bowl and cook on high for a few minutes stirring occasionally, but be careful of overflow.)

3. Top with Greek yogurt, bananas, fresh berries and goji berries.

You can top with any fruits you like! I don't like very sweet meals but you can sprinkle in a bit of natural sugar, like coconut sugar, if you prefer!! Enjoy!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dedicated in December Week 4

DID Week 4

Better a little late than never; week 4 of Dedicated in December is here!! I am not healed enough to finish this out, but I still want to provide the last week I planned. 

It is not absolutely necessary, but I highly recommend the using the Seconds Pro timer app. It is $4.99,  but it is so worth it! 

This workout is a circuit training workout, composed of 7 exercises each lasting 1 minute. Repeat all 7 exercises for a total of 3-5 sets. Be sure to rest for a few seconds between each exercise and after each set. I set up :05 seconds between each exercise and :30 seconds between each set. A 5 set workout is less than 40 minutes! 

Incorporate this workout into your routine 2-5 days a week depending on your level of fitness! Be sure to hashtag your photos with #dedicatedindecember, #iDIDit, and #justDIDit. Also please feel free to tag me @alice_faerie, so I can see all the participation!! Description of exercises is as follows:

Week 4:
1. Jump Squats: Stand with feet planted a little more than shoulder width apart. Hold in core and go down to a squat position with your ass out going down as far as you can. Ass to thebgrass! Jump up to the returning position using your glutes and legs.  Repeat and take short pauses when needed.

2. Elevated Push-ups: These are just like regular push ups except your feet are elevated. Start face down with weight distributed on the hands and put feet on a chair or low table. Your body should be rigid and straight, and hands placed wide apart.  Lower your body until your chest nears the floor at the bottom of the movement, and then return up to the starting position. Be sure to move in a nice fluid motion, keeping the core muscle groups activated. Don't be afraid to pause for a few moments and/or drop to your knees when needed; it could help you achieve proper form. 

3. 1-Leg Elevated Bridge Raises. Lay down with knees bent. Put your feet on the edge of  a table or on a wall and hold up one leg. Lift your ass off the ground repeating for :30 and then switching legs for the remaining :30.

4. Burpees: Begin in a standing position. Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. Kick your feet back, while keeping your arms extended. Immediately return your feet to the squat position. Stand up from the squat position. Repeat and take short pauses when needed.

5. Rows: Put your left knee on a table or bench while keeping the other foot planted on the floor. You should be bent over with your left hand on the table and right hand holding a barbel. Lift the barbell while keeping your arm at your side; you want to be pulling back with your tricep and back. Repeat on this side for :30 while switching to the right side for the remaining :30. Again, left/right can be done in setup.

6. Jump Plié Squats: Stand a bit more than shoulder with apart with feet pointed open. Like regular jump squats, hold in core and go down to a squat position with your ass out going down as far as you can. Ass to the grass! Jump up to the returning position using your glutes and legs. Repeat and take short pauses when needed.

7. Back Raises: Stand with feet planted a little more than shoulder width apart with a barbell in each hand. Keep your back straight and bend a bit ensuring your core is tight and back stays straight. The barbells start at waist level them lift them up to your chest by bending your elbows. Your elbows should be facing out and keep your palms facing your body. Repeat.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Power of Hemp

The Power of Hemp!

Hemp is an amazing super food with countless benefits. Eating hemp seeds and hemp powder will not get you "high" but it will provide your body with many nutrients. I like sprinkling hemp seeds and hemp powder on my oatmeal. I also put them in home made smoothies. 

Hemp contains:

* All 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential amino acids (EAAs) our bodies cannot produce.
* A high protein percentage of the simple proteins that strengthen immunity and fend off toxins.
* Eating hemp seeds in any form could aid, if not heal, people suffering from immune deficiency diseases. This conclusion is supported by the fact that hemp seed has been used to treat nutritional deficiencies brought on by tuberculosis, a severe nutrition blocking disease that causes the body to waste away.
* Nature’s highest botanical source of essential fatty acid, with more essential fatty acid than flax or any other nut or seed oil.
* A perfect 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 Linoleic Acid and Omega-3 Linolenic Acid – for cardiovascular health and general strengthening of the immune system.
* A superior vegetarian source of protein considered easily digestible.
* A rich source of phytonutrients, the disease-protective element of plants with benefits protecting your immunity, bloodstream, tissues, cells, skin, organs and mitochondria.
* The richest known source of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids.

Hemp seeds taste great; they have a very nutty, almost sweet taste. It tastes almost like a pine nut, but a bit more mellow.  

Hemp powder has an earthy taste, almost like the earthiness from beets. The flavor is mild, and almost has a sweet, nutty taste.

Incorporate this awesome super food in your diet ASAP! You can find these online, and I believe Whole Foods carries them ("Hemp Hearts" brand). For online try,, to name a few. Just ensure they are organic!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dedicated in December Week 3

DID Week 3

Are you still dedicated!? Week 3 of #dedicatedindecember here!! It is not absolutely necessary, but I highly recommend the using the Seconds Pro timer app. It is $4.99,  but it is so worth it! This workout is a #circuittraining workout, composed of 7 exercises each lasting 1 minute. Repeat all 7 exercises for a total of 3-5 sets. Be sure to rest for a few seconds between each exercise and after each set. I set up :05 seconds between each exercise and :30 seconds between each set. A 5 set workout is less than 40 MINUTES! Incorporate this workout into your routine 2-5 days a week depending on your level of fitness! Be sure to hashtag your photos with #dedicatedindecember, #iDIDit, and #justDIDit. Also please feel free to tag me @alice_faerie, so I can see all the participation!! Description of exercises is as follows:

Week 3:
1. Weighted Squats: Stand with feet planted a little more than shoulder width apart. Hold a barbell on each shoulder, the heaviest you can stand. You want to ensure that your form is not compromised. Hold in core and go down to a squat position with your ass out going down as far as you can. ass to the grass! Stand up to the returning position using your glutes and legs. Repeat.

2. Close-grip Push-ups: These are just like regular push ups except your hands are close together rather than wide. Start face down with weight distributed on the hands and feet. Your body should be rigid and straight, and hands placed together making a triangle with your thumbs out. Lower your body until your chest nears the floor at the bottom of the movement, and then return up to the starting position. Be sure to move in a nice fluid motion, keeping the core muscle groups activated. If you can do a real push-up that is great! If not, you will get there! Don't be afraid to drop to your knees when needed. I still do about halfway through the minute and it really allows me to have proper form. 

3. Fire Hydrants: Get on all fours. Lift right leg out to the side while keeping the knee bent. Return to starting position and continue for :30 while switching to the left leg for the remaining :30. Again, left/right can be done in setup. If you want more of a challenge, add ankle weights!

4. Mountain Climbers: Start face down with weight distributed on the hands and feet. Your body should be rigid and straight, and hands placed approximately shoulder width apart (the plank position). Bring your left knee to your chest while keeping your weight evenly distributed. Bring back and repeat with the right leg. Take short pauses during the minute if you need!

5. Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks: Kneel over a bench or chair with one arm supporting your body. Grasp dumbbell with free hand. Position upper arm parallel to floor and extend arm until it is straight. Return to starting position and continue for :30 while switching to the opposite arm for the remaining :30. Again, left/right can be done in setup.

6. Weighted Walking Lunges: Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Step with one leg into a lunge position and be sure not to let your knees go past your toes. Step with other leg and continue to walk in a straight line. I do these up and down a long hallway.

7. Arnold Curls: Sit or stand with two dumbbells position in front of shoulders, palms facing body and elbows under wrists.
Initiate movement by bringing elbows out to sides. Continue to raise elbows outward while pressing dumbbells overhead until arms are straight. Lower to front of shoulders in opposite pattern and repeat.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are one of my favorite veggies and I eat them almost every day. Incorporating them into your diet can provide your body with a range of important nutrients that help to promote good health. I love sautéing them with onions in a bit of coconut oil (avoid the bacon grease!) Here is a list of the nine most significant reasons why adding more Brussels sprouts to your diet can improve and extend your life!

1. They have powerful anti-carcinogenic properties, in other words, they fight cancer.

2. They help you avoid excessive, painful levels of inflammation. They are a good source of Vitamin K, which your body needs in order to keep chronic inflammation under control. Less than two servings of Brussels sprouts provides you with over a third of your recommended daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids, and these are necessary for the production of certain messaging molecules that can reduce unnecessarily high levels of inflammation.

3. They help to protect your DNA by promoting stability inside white blood cells. It is thought that they do this by blocking the action of a particular enzyme that can cause DNA instability. Nutritional experts say that you should have at least one serving of Brussels sprouts each day if you want to protect your DNA in this way.

4. They can help to lower your cholesterol.

5. They boost cardiovascular health. Studies show that regularly eating Brussels sprouts lowers your likelihood of developing heart disease, having a heart attack, and suffering from hardened arteries.

6. They promote digestive health since they are an excellent source of fiber. This helps to keep your bowels regular and helps to prevent constipation. In addition, some studies show that eating Brussels sprouts helps to protect your stomach lining by inhibiting the growth of H. pylori bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers and acid reflux.

7. They can improve your resistance to disease by providing plenty of Vitamin C. Vitamin C promotes a healthy immune system that is effective at fighting disease. As a result, regularly eating Brussels sprouts should make you less likely to suffer from infections such as the cold and the flu.

8. They promote ocular (vision) health. Brussels sprouts are a good source of Vitamin A, and regular consumption of this vitamin has been proven to reduce your risk of losing your sight (as it lowers your likelihood of suffering from macular degeneration and glaucoma).

9. They do not cause thyroid gland problems. In recent times, there has been concern about whether cruciferous vegetables (such as Brussels sprouts, kale, and cabbage) can negatively influence thyroid gland function. However, you can rest assured that studies show that eating Brussels sprouts every day for four weeks does not appear to have any impact on the way your thyroid works.

As is obvious from the above health benefits, Brussels sprouts are an excellent addition to your diet if you want to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Be sure that you steam or sauté them if you want to enjoy the full force of their nutritional power!


I bought a small head of radicchio the other day because it is something I don't have often, and I wanted to try and incorporate it into my diet. I had NO idea there are so many awesome health benefits to this veggie!!! I made a tofu stir fry with radicchio, onions and brussel sprouts. Check out all of the perks of radicchio below!

1. Radicchio is high in antioxidants, which boosts overall health, wellness, and energy. Dark red radicchio has an antioxidant score of 3,537 per 100 grams! Antioxidant-rich foods support the body’s metabolism.

2. Radicchio neutralizes free radicals in humans, and helps fight cell damage. In other words, it's a cancer fighter. With its high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score, radicchio fights the cell damage to DNA that may lead to coronary heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

3. Radicchio promotes weight loss by being high in fiber. High fiber foods can make you feel full, and keep you feeling satiated longer.

4. Radicchio is full of minerals like Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, and Magnesium. It is also full of vitamins like Vitamin C, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B-6, Folate, Vitamin A, Vitamin E. The human body often absorbs vitamins and minerals more effectively from fresh vegetables than from supplements.

5. Chicories, like radicchio, contain a substance called inulin, which naturally helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Diabetes is linked to heart disease and stroke, so by controlling blood sugar levels with chicory, patients can lower their risk of cardiovascular disease and complications.

6. Health benefits of chicory include its effectiveness at fighting intestinal worms and parasites, aiding in digestion and colon cleansing, and helping to cleanse the blood, liver and circulatory system of harmful toxins. A healthy circulatory system supports overall fitness.

7. Radicchio promotes bile production. Increasing bile salts can improve digestion and reduce cholesterol. Reducing cholesterol directly benefits organ health and vigor.

8 The dark red color of radicchio is also important. The red color in fruits and vegetables denotes phytonutrients such as lycopene, ellagic acid, quercetin and hesperidin. Their phytochemical properties are beneficial in regulating blood pressure levels, lowering bad cholesterol levels, and reducing the risk of certain types of cancer. 

Incorporate this amazing veggie into your diet pronto!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Extra Skin

Many of you have asked if I have excess skin, and I absolutely do. When you lose as much weight as an average NFL linebacker, you will have excess skin guaranteed. My obese body stretched my skin so much, so excess skin was inevitable for me. I would never try and deceive anyone by saying I don't have excess skin; if you lost over 100 lbs, you will have some, HOWEVER, my advice is this:

1. Don't let the fear of excess skin hold you back from being a fit person! The skin can be rough, but no where near as rough as being unhealthy. 

2. Lift weights to shape your body as much as possible. You will be surprised how much you can transform yourself. My tummy still has a lot of excess, but I am shaping my arms so much. It's crazy how you can transform yourself.

3. Work with doctors and insurance to fight for removal. It isn't easy, but if you lost a significant amount of weight (100 lbs or more) I recommend fighting for removal, but work on shaping yourself.

Like I said, you can shape yourself SO much with working out. I have posted lots of progress photos and my arms have changed dramatically with heavy lifting. Don't be afraid of skin; it's a small price to pay and being healthy is a much better alternative! Most importantly LOVE YOURSELF!!! Your body is your temple and you must cherish it always


Many people ask how I did it. How I changed. How I stay motivated. Well I did not change overnight, and I have changed in many ways over the years, slowly trying to better myself. You have to get out of the mindset that change is easy and will be quick; that is simply not the case. All good things in life take time, work, and effort. If you love and believe in yourself, if you are dedicated, if you are consistent, if you are determined and focused, you WILL change. You WILL succeed. Most importantly: Be patient!!! I promise it will be worth it.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

Don't throw out your almost empty container of nut butter! Make overnight oats right in the jar! This is a super easy clean eats recipe!


1 almost-empty jar of nut butter. You can use any kind you like: peanut, almond, sunflower seed, just as long as it's natural with no additives!

1/2 cup (1 serving) of your favorite style oats

1 cup of water

1 TBS chia seeds

1/4 cup plain nonfat Greek yogurt

1 banana, sliced

4 strawberries, sliced

6-8 raspberries

1 TBS hemp seeds


1. Throw oats, water, and chia seeds in almost empty nut butter jar (this was peanut butter), close lid, and leave in the fridge overnight. 

2. By the next day the oats and seeds absorb the water. Scrape the peanut butter remains from the jar and stir everything together. 

3. This step is totally optional, but I prefer my oats warm! Empty contents of jar in a small pan and cook on low heat for a few minutes until warm. (You can also warm in the microwave (throw it all in a bowl and cook for a few minutes), but be careful of overflow!

4. Pour oat mixture in a bowl and top with Greek yogurt, bananas, berries and hemp seeds.

You can top with any fruit you like! I don't like very sweet meals but you can sprinkle in a bit of natural sugar, like coconut sugar, if you prefer!!


Alton Brown's "Food of Four Lists"

I read an article yesterday about Alton Brown and his "Plan of Four Lists", and I thought it was really genius. He's awesome, so it was to be expected. 

Anyway, he eats certain foods daily (fruits, whole grains, leafy greens, nuts, carrots, green tea), certain foods 3x a week (Oily fish [wild salmon, sardines, etc], yogurt, broccoli, sweet potatoes, avocado), and certain foods 1x a week (pasta, one alcoholic drink, red meat, dessert). 

Then there are foods which he completely omits. Those "foods" are: fast food, soda, processed meals, canned soups, "diet" anything (no artificial sweeteners). This is a really smart guideline for those looking for help on what to eat and when. 

Pan-seared Scallops with Whole Grain Rosemary Lemon-Spinach "Risotto" and Steamed Corn

(Makes 2 servings)

1 tsp coconut oil
1 lb scallops (about 8 big ones)
1 cup of Trader Joe's whole grain Harvest Blend (you can use any whole grain of your choice)
1 cup water
1 cup baby spinach, finely chopped
1 tsp rosemary, finely chopped
The juice from 1/4 lemon
1 1/2 cups frozen corn
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Rinse scallops under cold water and pat dry. Usually they have the tiny muscle attached that connects them to their shell. Be sure to remove this, since it is chewy and not very edible. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste on each side and set aside.

2. Put on a pot of water to steam the frozen corn. I put the corn in a metal colander while steaming a bit of water in a pot underneath. While this boils, bring the 1 cup of water to a boil in a second smaller pot.

3. Once the water is boiling in the smaller pot, add whole grain blend (be sure to follow package instructions according to the specific whole grain you decide to use). Bring back to a boil then reduce to a summer and cover. Let cook 10 minutes.

4. While the whole grains cook, add frozen corn to steamer pot and let cook. Melt the coconut oil in a very hot and well-seasoned cast iron pan. Sear the scallops on each side for about 2-3 minutes. You don't want to move them because you want that crust to form nicely.

5. Once the whole grains are done cooking, add chopped spinach, lemon juice, chopped rosemary, and salt and pepper to taste.

6. Plate by putting the whole grain risotto on the plate and top with the cooked scallops. Arrange the steamed corn around each plate evenly.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Ditch The Scale!!

Here is a little Monday motivation for you. If this isn't enough proof for you to ditch the scale, than I don't know what would be! As you can see, this transformation is a ZERO POUND/KILO WEIGHT DIFFERENCE. For years I would get myself so upset over normal weight fluctuations. Over time, I realized that I should be focused more on how my clothes fit and who I see in the mirror. I am focused on reducing body fat percentage and increasing muscle. I really started to see myself transform when I incorporated heavy weights and body weight strength training. Don't be afraid to lift heavy. Be sure to keep your diet clean as possible and drink plenty of water. Believe in yourself, keep going, and never give up. Slow progress is still progress!! This is only just the beginning!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Clean Eating

I use the phrase clean eating often, but forget many may not understand. What is clean eating? Many people ask this question and are not exactly sure what clean eating really means. Clean eating consists of a diet that omits as many additives, chemicals, and preservatives as possible. If you are eating out of a box, you're doing it wrong. The human diet should consist of plenty of fresh, frozen, and/or dried fruits, fresh and/or frozen vegetables, whole grains, nonfat dairy, lean proteins, unsalted nuts and nut butters, and non-hydrogenated fats. I tell people that most of your food shopping should be at the edges of the supermarket; the center isles are filled with chemical-ridden processed food that you should want nothing to do with. 

It is very easy to be decieived by labeling, so it is vital to read ingredients in addition to labels. Unfortunately there are MANY companies out there claiming they are providing "healthy" food options, but don't be fooled. Most of these products come from huge corporations that are only looking to make money, not improve anyone's health. Basically, stop eating pre-made meals from a box, and start eating natural food, from the Earth! 

Egg White Oats

After an intense workout, you need to properly refuel and nourish your body with good, clean food! Oatmeal is my favorite and I eat oats every morning! This simple recipe is as follows:


1/2 cup (1 serving) of old fashioned oats

1 cup water

3 egg whites

1 banana, sliced

1 TBS Peanut Butter and Company Dark Chocolate Dreams peanut butter (or any nut butter of your choice!)


1. Follow instructions for the oats and choose method: stovetop or microwave. I make 1 serving on the stovetop. Bring water to a boil and once boiling, add oats and egg whites.

2. Reduce to med-low heat and cook for 5 minutes or according to instructions/desired consistency. (For microwave you can throw it all in a bowl and cook on high for a few minutes stirring occasionally, but be careful of overflow.)

3. Top with banana and peanut butter.

You can top with any fruits you like! The PB makes this pretty sweet and I don't like very sweet meals, but you can sprinkle in a bit of natural sugar, like coconut sugar, if you prefer more sweetness!! Enjoy!

Dedicated in December Week 2

Are you still dedicated!? Week 2 of Dedicated in December is here!! It is not absolutely necessary, but I highly recommend the using the SecondsPro timer app. I think it costs a dollar, but it is so worth it! This workout is a circuit training workout, composed of 7 exercises each lasting 1 minute. Repeat all 7 exercises for a total of 3-5 sets. Be sure to rest for a few seconds between each exercise and after each set. I set up :05 seconds between each exercise and :30 seconds between each set. A 5 set workout is less than 40 MINUTES! Incorporate this workout into your routine 2-5 days a week depending on your level of fitness! Be sure to hashtag your photos with #dedicatedindecember, #iDIDit, and #justDIDit. Also please feel free to tag me @alice_faerie, so I can see all the participation!! 

1. Bulgarian Split Squats: Stand with feet planted a little more than shoulder width apart. Put one foot on a chair or table behind you. Hold in core and while keeping your foot/toes on the chair, go down to a squat position with your ass out going down as far as you can. Ass to the grass! For the leg planted on the ground, try not to let your knee go past your toes. Stand up to the returning position using your glutes and legs. Repeat.

2. Push-ups: Start face down with weight distributed on the hands and feet. Your body should be rigid and straight, and hands placed approximately shoulder width apart (the plank position). Lower your body until your chest nears the floor at the bottom of the movement, and then return up to the starting position. Be sure to move in a nice fluid motion, keeping the core muscle groups activated. If you can do a real push-up that is great! If not, you will get there! Don't be afraid to drop to your knees when needed. I still do and it really allows me to have proper form. 

3. Alt Side Lunges: Stand with your feet parallel, hip-width apart. Slowly step to the right while keeping your weight into your left heel. Both feet are still facing forward. Once your right foot is firmly placed on the floor, begin to shift your weight toward the right foot, bending the right knee and pushing the hips back. Continue to lunge until your shinbone is vertical to the floor and your right knee is aligned with the second toe of your right foot. Your left leg should be as straight as possible and your body weight should be distributed into the right hip. The heels of both feet should stay flat on the floor. Next push off firmly with your right foot, returning to starting position. Repeat the movement for the opposite side alternating for the entire minute.

4. Bicycle Kicks: Start by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out straight and elevated. Sit up in a crunch position while bringing one knee to your chest and twisting your torso in the opposite direction. Repeat with the other leg alternating for the whole minute. 

5. Tricep Raises: tand with feet planted a little more than shoulder width apart. Hold a barbell (the heaviest you can stand) over your head with your palms facing up. Lower the barbell behind your head ensuring your back is straight and core is tight. Lift barbell using your triceps and back. Repeat.

6. Plié Squat with 4 count pulse: Stand a bit more than shoulder with apart with feet pointed open. Like regular squats, Hold in core and go down to a squat position with your ass out going down as far as you can. ass to the grass! Pulse for four counts and then stand up to the returning position using your glutes and legs. Repeat.

7. Bench Press: Lay on a table, bench, or exercise ball. I use the ball Bc it also works my core! Lay back and grab a barbell in each arm. Push the barbell up then return to starting position. Be sure to keep your core in and back straight while bending the elbows. Repeat.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dedicated in December Week 1

I am often asked about my workouts. I do all of my workouts at home with a few sets of dumbbells, and I go running outside on the streets. 

I created a 30 day workout challenge on Instagram because I wanted to close out 2013 with a bang, and why wait until January?! Each Sunday in December I will post a circuit training workout. It isn't too late to participate, so I wanted to post the workout from last Sunday. 

These workouts are full body circuit training workouts that will increase intensity as the weeks go on. Look to incorporate them into your routine 2-5 days a week, depending on your level of fitness. 

It is not absolutely necessary, but I highly recommend the using the Seconds Pro timer app. I think it costs a dollar, but it is so worth it! This circuit training workout is composed of 7 exercises each lasting 1 minute. Repeat all 7 exercises for a total of 3-5 sets. Be sure to rest for a few seconds between each exercise and after each set. I set up :05 seconds between each exercise and :30 seconds between each set. A 5 set workout is less than 40 MINUTES! If you post any photos on Instagram, be sure to hashtag your photos with #dedicatedindecember, #justDIDit, and #iDIDit. Also please feel free to tag me @alice_faerie, so I can see all the participation!!

The exercises are as follows:

1. Squats: Stand with feet planted a little more than shoulder width apart. Hold in core and go down to a squat position with your ass out going down as far as you can. ass to the grass! Try not to let your knees go past your toes. Stand up to the returning position using your glutes and legs. Repeat.

2. Tricep Dips with Knees Bent: Sit on the edge of a chair or low table with your hands at your sides and on the edge of the chair. Keep knees bent while scooting off the chair and dip down using your arms and back. Raise yourself back up and repeat. 

3. Backward Lunges: I do these weighted, but you can certainly do them without. Stand shoulders length apart and move right leg behind you. Keep leg behind and bend knees. If using weights, keep them down to your sides. Stand up and return to starting position. Stay on the same leg for :30 and switch to the left for the remaining :30, but left/right can be chosen in setup. Repeat.

4. Forearm Plank: Get down on ground in a push-up position and drop to your forearms. While on toes and forearms, hold position for entire exercise. If you need to pause during the minute, keep it to 3-5 seconds.

5. Bicep Curls: Grasp a barbell in each hand. Bend your arm at the elbow and return to starting position. You can alternate or you can do one arm for :30 while switching to the other arm for the remaining :30. Left/right option can be done in setup. There are different ways to do bicep curls; always change it up!

6. Plié Squats: Stand a bit more than shoulder with apart with feet pointed open.  Like regular squats, Hold in core and go down to a squat position with your ass out going down as far as you can.. ass to the grass! Try not to let your knees go past your toes. Stand up to the returning position using your glutes and legs. Repeat.

7. Shoulder Presses: Stand up with a barbell in each hand. Lift over your head; your palms should be facing out. Push the barbells up ensuring your core stays tight. Repeat. 

Green Smootie

Look at the pretty Christmas colors!! We totally eat with our eyes. Last night I was in the mood for something sweet after dinner (as usual lol), so I wanted to whip up a green smoothie for my last snack of the day, the best snack: Dessert! Recpie is as follows:


1 banana

1 cup/8 oz. of coconut water

1 scoop of Amazing Meal Vanilla Chai Infusion vegetarian protein powder

(If you don't have this, substitute with 1-2 cups of greens, like spinach or kale)

1 TBS natural unsalted peanut butter

 TBS chia seeds, plus more for sprinkling

1-2 cups of ice, depending on consistency preferred 

1 TBS goji berries


Throw all the goodness in a blender, except goji berries, and blend away. Sprinkle goji berries and extra chia seeds on top.


My Story

Many have asked about my story, and I plan to write a memoir one day, but here is a little background to Alice.

My weight is something I have battled my entire life. I was putting on weight as young as two years old, and each year would get worse. My obsessive cycle with using food as comfort would increase as each year passed, which cycled me into a war with food and spiraling me out of control. At 18 years old and tipping the scales at 400+ pounds, doctors feared for my life. They advised weight loss surgery because my menstruation ceased and feared more severe future health complications.

A few days after I turned 19 years old, I had gastric bypass surgery. I lost some weight initially, but I was still engaging in unhealthy behaviors and stuck at around 200 lbs for many years after. I was still eating bad food, abusing alcohol, and hurting myself in many self inflicting ways.

One day, I said NO MORE and stopped all of the negative behaviors. I realized that not only was I hurting myself, I was hurting the people in my life that loved me and that I loved. Surgery did not cure those negative behaviors. I had to cure those behaviors on my own. I had to look inside myself and CHANGE. That is true fitness and health, which can only be found within.

The past 3-4 years is when I really started making this a lifestyle change. I cleaned up my diet and started eating clean. I made exercise part of my routine. I am proof that even if you have surgery (or use any other supplementation) it does not necessarily make one healthy. 

I hurt myself for many years by eating unhealthy foods and not being active. Even after I had surgery to help me, I was still engaging in negative behavior. I am 30 years old now, and I have discovered over the years that the key to happiness all starts with loving yourself. I discovered that only I hold the power to make myself change.

I weigh around 165 pounds now, but I said goodbye to the scale long ago. I will post my reasons in a future post. I am now determined to eat clean and I am dedicated to a fit and active lifestyle. I want to teach others what I have learned during my life experiences and how to have a healthy life. My mission is to inspire, educate, and motivate the world.

I can't change the past nor would I want to change the past. I believe our past is what shapes us into who we are today. I wouldn't change a thing. Thanks for listening!


I have been meaning to create a blog for years now, and I finally wanted to get started! I currently use Instagram (alice_faerie), and will continue to use it, but I figured a blog would be good to gather all my recipes, workouts, inspiration, and motivation! Bear with me as I get up and running, and I cannot wait to share my adventures with you!