One could say that society is bombarded with fitness from every angle. Fitness is a broad term that could be broken down into details such as body image, aesthetics, health, weight-loss, nutrition, etc.
The weight-loss/fitness industry is flooded with various methods to assist in this process, such as pills, wraps, shakes, subscriptions, supplements, and even as far as performance enhancing drugs. It is extremely vital to take care of one's own body and mind, and a conscious decision must be made to strive for health.
Although health is so important, it has warped into some kind of monster. Aesthetics are the primary focus: lose 10 pounds in just a couple weeks, get more firm and toned, build muscle and shed fat. You get the idea. We are told that months and years of unhealthy ways can be fixed in just a few days. That is simply just not true. Both healthy and unhealthy behaviors are learned over time, so to change those behaviors, it takes consistent decisions, over time, in order for those behaviors to transform. It is not a straight arrow, either; there will be times when it feels easy and times when it seems impossible. There will be times when you "fall off the wagon" and sink back into old ways, but it is up to you, and you alone, to bring yourself back to reality and your goals.
Now I'm not just talking about the body; this also applies to the mind. Society tends to focus so much on the body and leave the mind in the back seat. Physical health is taken more seriously than mental health. However, what is the body without the mind? The mind is the key to life, and it deserves much more respect.
Therefore, if you wish to change, you must start with your mind. To be healthy is not only aesthetics: a healthy mind will lead to a healthy body. To change behaviors is no easy task, but it is possible with dedication and time. Unhealthy habits were not learned overnight and they cannot be unlearned overnight, either; it takes months and even years to change. But remember: small changes over time add up to big changes. You just have to believe every day that you are worth it.
My fitness journey has been a long, bumpy road, and I am still on that road. I have lost almost 250 pounds and kept it off for over a decade. I changed my entire lifestyle, which is something that takes a lot of will power and self care. You have to care and love yourself, and in turn, you will slowly transition from unhealthy behaviors to healthy behaviors. However, my mindset did not change over night; like I have said countless times, it takes time to change behaviors. You don't need fancy plans or shakes or pills or wraps; you just need discipline, dedication, self control and self love. You need to move your body for at least 30 minutes a day. You need to make healthy food choices and nourish your body with whole foods. If you don't care about yourself, you will never care about your body or mind.
My goal is not to make money off of people. I want to help people and shed light on what I have learned via my life experiences. There is no big secret to fitness: you just have to want it bad enough to make it your reality. Each day is a chance to get you to where you want to be. It is not so much the destination, but the journey. You have to enjoy the ride--the ups and downs--the good times and the bad.
I wish obesity didn't even exist; there is no reason for people to get to that level. I am asked many times if I regret getting gastric bypass. At the time, I needed it to save my life. I didn't have the mental strength then that I do now. However, I have complications and hard days due to the bypass, so if I could undo it, I would. WLS is just a tool; it shouldn't be viewed as a miracle cure. You must not only transform your body, but your mind. You have to mentally transform. That is why I am so passionate about mental health because it is such a vital element in our behavior.
I wish I could help everyone--I know what it is like because I have lived it. But my best advice would be that in order to change you have to really WANT to change; it is as simple as that. It won't happen overnight and it won't be easy, but if you truly are dedicated to transforming, you will succeed.
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