Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dedicated in December Week 1

I am often asked about my workouts. I do all of my workouts at home with a few sets of dumbbells, and I go running outside on the streets. 

I created a 30 day workout challenge on Instagram because I wanted to close out 2013 with a bang, and why wait until January?! Each Sunday in December I will post a circuit training workout. It isn't too late to participate, so I wanted to post the workout from last Sunday. 

These workouts are full body circuit training workouts that will increase intensity as the weeks go on. Look to incorporate them into your routine 2-5 days a week, depending on your level of fitness. 

It is not absolutely necessary, but I highly recommend the using the Seconds Pro timer app. I think it costs a dollar, but it is so worth it! This circuit training workout is composed of 7 exercises each lasting 1 minute. Repeat all 7 exercises for a total of 3-5 sets. Be sure to rest for a few seconds between each exercise and after each set. I set up :05 seconds between each exercise and :30 seconds between each set. A 5 set workout is less than 40 MINUTES! If you post any photos on Instagram, be sure to hashtag your photos with #dedicatedindecember, #justDIDit, and #iDIDit. Also please feel free to tag me @alice_faerie, so I can see all the participation!!

The exercises are as follows:

1. Squats: Stand with feet planted a little more than shoulder width apart. Hold in core and go down to a squat position with your ass out going down as far as you can. ass to the grass! Try not to let your knees go past your toes. Stand up to the returning position using your glutes and legs. Repeat.

2. Tricep Dips with Knees Bent: Sit on the edge of a chair or low table with your hands at your sides and on the edge of the chair. Keep knees bent while scooting off the chair and dip down using your arms and back. Raise yourself back up and repeat. 

3. Backward Lunges: I do these weighted, but you can certainly do them without. Stand shoulders length apart and move right leg behind you. Keep leg behind and bend knees. If using weights, keep them down to your sides. Stand up and return to starting position. Stay on the same leg for :30 and switch to the left for the remaining :30, but left/right can be chosen in setup. Repeat.

4. Forearm Plank: Get down on ground in a push-up position and drop to your forearms. While on toes and forearms, hold position for entire exercise. If you need to pause during the minute, keep it to 3-5 seconds.

5. Bicep Curls: Grasp a barbell in each hand. Bend your arm at the elbow and return to starting position. You can alternate or you can do one arm for :30 while switching to the other arm for the remaining :30. Left/right option can be done in setup. There are different ways to do bicep curls; always change it up!

6. Plié Squats: Stand a bit more than shoulder with apart with feet pointed open.  Like regular squats, Hold in core and go down to a squat position with your ass out going down as far as you can.. ass to the grass! Try not to let your knees go past your toes. Stand up to the returning position using your glutes and legs. Repeat.

7. Shoulder Presses: Stand up with a barbell in each hand. Lift over your head; your palms should be facing out. Push the barbells up ensuring your core stays tight. Repeat.